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Nature friendly use of meadows

Meadows are an important habitat for many plant and animal species, a lot of them are rare and endangered. The existence of these plants and animals is mostly depended from land use. Today meadows are threatened by abandonment of land use or by intensification of use. First cause of threat leads in overgrowth of meadows and this has negative effects on grassland plants and animals. Existence of meadows is so very much dependent from human use and without it they will eventualy decay. The other cause of threat with factors as too frequent mowing, use of fertilizers, use of  plant protection products and drainage of the soil contributes to decrease of biodiversity on this grasslands. Nature conservation and consequently healthier  environment can be achieved with nature friendly use of meadows.

Meadows should be mown twice per year, in wet years three times per year (late spring, late summer and in autumn). It is advised to mown dry meadows just once a year. Mowing more than three times per year is not advised.

A lot of animals, such as birds and game, often hide in the middle of meadows. Because of this it is important to mown from edge to edge or from the middle outward. In this case animals can safely retreat on unmown parts or on the edges. Use of warning chains, installed in front of the scythe is advised. Noise and physical touch additionally stimulate animal to retreat.