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Start of mowing in the project Goričko meadows

The overall objective of the project which had started in March 2015 and it will last until end of April 2016 is efficient management with three Natura 2000 types of meadows, Scops Owl and three butterf1y species. One of the main activities is the mowing of 60 hecters of meadows in unfavorable conservation state along with removal of alien invasive plants or woody overgrowth and the harvest of removed biomass.

Mowing started on 5th of June on the first of 320 plots in 24 cadastral municipalities (in 8 municipalities of Goričko). For each plot plan of mowing with conservation measures was prepered. 

Mowing and harvesting will for Goričko Nature park Public Institute carry out Public utility Šalovci d.o.o., which was choosen by public tender.

Article here.

Mowing in Motovilci  (photo:M. Fujs)
Mowing in Motovilci (photo:M. Fujs)
Mowing in Nuskova (photo: G.Domanjko)
Mowing in Nuskova (photo: G.Domanjko)